More confused than Ruby in “THEM” 📺

Maria • Totally not on my period right now. 😁

Lately me and my man have been really tired . We’ve been together 9 months and the past 2 , we have been waking up around 7am and sleeping around 1am. I VALUE my sleep! I’m used to 10-12 hours of sleep a day! So this has really made me tired , we went from having sex every day or 2, 2 or 3 times … to MAYBE twice a week . MAYBE, and I’m always the one initiating it, he might rub on me … but go no further and I’ll have to take it there … anyways.. recently while I was sleeping in the bed , he got up to use the restroom. Cool, I fall back asleep. I wake up what feels like 25 minutes later and he’s still not back so I go looking for him. He opens the bathroom door as soon as I get to it and I see safari pulled up on the phone & he locks the screen. I’m starting to think he’s talking to someone … or maybe … watching porn! So we get back in bed and I ask him what took so long, he says he took a shit then had to take a shower. Nothing else. I asked what he was doing on the phone , he says looking at flights because I want to go to PR for my birthday. Ok cool. When I open the phone the only thing pulled up on safari is a flight I had looked up the day prior. So I check history and sure enough, 7 different porn links popped up. Now I’m not feeling like enough for him and I mention that and he just makes me feel like it’s nothing, he says “I knew you would say no” BUT WHY??? AND WHY DID YOU LIE about what you were doing!? I’m your girlfriend ! If you’re not fucking me you’re what …. Watching porn and fucking yourself? Well what if you get tired of fucking yourself??? THEN 2 days later . We come home tired from a long day and he drove about 50 miles , took the dog to use the restroom , walked upstairs to the room. And sat on the chair that also holds a TV … I’m like “ummm are you coming to bed ?” He says he’s too tired . Well I’m too mf tired to have this stupid ass argument with you so I just fell asleep. In the morning we talked about it and kind of just let it go . He hadn’t come into bed with me for at least 3 hours , I don’t know what he was doing. WELL it’s been 2 days again and he’s tired , I just wanna take a damn shower. We’re sitting outside in the car and I say “let’s go take a shower and come back out and smoke” (😉 ) he’s like “no, cause let me tell you what’s gonna happen, you’re gonna shower then get in bed . 🤨 I honestly just wanted to feel fresh as I was on my period and was sitting on a tampon all day and started feeling queasy . So im like you know what , fuck it . So I come in the house take about a 20 min shower , get out eat 2 slices of pizza, watch a little tv . All while he’s still in the car, on my phone (he broke his) doing what.

So I go outside and I’m like “hey, it’s been a long day.. so you REALLY don’t wanna come inside and shower or anything…?” He says he DOESNT KNOW. I ask this multiple times different ways . “Can you please come inside with me?”


“Do you want to come take a shower AT LEAST?”


“Ok well I’m going inside, are you coming in soon?”


Now I’m like 🤨 … so I storm out saying idk what’s going on but I’m not understanding why you’re treating me like this .. so I walk inside. That was around 12am last night. He didn’t enter the house until 5am talking about he was door dashing .but when I looked at the doordash times , it was at 1:43am -2:55am …. That’s not even 1 hour. So what were you doing the other 3 1/2 hours !? When he came in I told him my feelings were hurting because of this whole pattern and I feel like he’s not considering me at all because WHY LIE , WHY ARE YOU NOT WANTING TO LAY DOWN WITH ME AFTER LONG DAYS!? Why sit on an occupied couch for hours instead of stand up, take shoes off and walk less than 5 FUCKING FEET into bed with someone you claim to love ? Doing the thing you claim to be your favorite part of your days ?

“ I don’t consider you? WHAT! I’m doing all this for us ! I’m trying to get some money ! Get us a space ! Everything I do is for you! I do everything for you!!!!” And he might , but when it comes to my emotions , I feel like he just does not care. He could buy me Rick Ross’s mansion & a private island. I’d be crying at both locations because WHERE ARE YOU ! This is not the same guy I fell in love with , or maybe it is and im just now seeing that he has no empathy , sympathy for the emotions themselves . He’s a do-er. Not a lover. But before I sound like my mind is made up , does anyone know what the fuck is happening .

Excuseeeeee my French !