Thick Nuchal fold


Had my 20 week anatomy scan and got my results that the baby has a 7mm Nuchal fold and is sending me to a specialist but my doctor is out for another week before I can get any more information does anyone have any input to help me out. Also not sure if the baby’s ratio measurements are off and if they were unable to see the baby’s nasal bone.

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you can find pictures online that compare nuchal folds, but a thicker nuchal fold is a marker for down syndrome. Did you do the NT scan as well as the NIPT test? or just the NT scan? the NIPT is a blood test that tests for genetic abnormalities and often combined with an NT scan


mbaby2021 • Apr 25, 2021
interesting, normally you would access them through a portal online. it is a not a diagnostic test so your baby can still have down syndrome even if it says low risk or if your baby was high risk then can be completely fine and not have down syndrome. the best test to actually get as a “diagnostic” test is the amniocentesis


Kirsten • Apr 25, 2021
I thought I did that test when I did my first trimester genetic screening but I’ve been unable to find the results to those


Posted at
The nuchal fold normally shrinks the further you get along from what I was told.. I had a 4.8mm nuchal fold and got referred to fetal medicine and they did a scan there and it had shrunk to 3.6mm by the time I got an appointment, after further testing my daughter did have Down syndrome. Did you have a 12 week scan by any chance?


Jessica • Apr 24, 2021
If your 12 week scan came back at low risk I’m sure everything is fine, cut off for 20 weeks and over in the normal range is 6mm according to google


Kirsten • Apr 24, 2021
I had a 12 weeks scan and never got sent results like these just was told everything seemed fine


Jessica • Apr 24, 2021
My daughter had a nasal bone also.. so they had a bit of hope before doing testing that it was just a big nuchal fold (can be common without further further problems) but it came back with Down syndrome.


Posted at
You’ll likely be referred on for more testing to rule out chromosomal abnormalities with babyI’d take an amniocentesis if they offer you one