Quitting without notice?

Last week was my first week back at work after a 9 week maternity leave. Prior to my leave I worked 8-3 every day but was paid salary for 40 hours a week. I got paid that way because I work for A program that gets a state grant to pay for everything. I work in child care. During my leave my boss quit and the owners promoted a girl to the director position, who doesn't have a degree and has never been in administration. The new director let me know that I would no longer be paid salary. That I would only work 8-2 three day out of the week and 8-3 the other 2 days. This has me very mad for several reasons. The reason why I got paid salary is because the program I work for does twice as much work as the rest of the classes and my old boss wanted us to be able to work at home and have the ability to come into class early for prep and stay late for planning. The new director keeps saying the old director was doing things "sketchy" which isn't true my pay comes from a grant and not the centers money. Now on Friday my boss told me that all the program grant can pay me is 90hrs a month. That's not even 30hrs a week and when I got this position I was told full time. Plus that's not even enough around for me to be in my classroom since the program itself runs from 8:00 to 2:00. The big thing is is the new director just doesn't understand that it's a grant and how the program works and that the budget has already been sent for the year. At this point I'm pretty sure that the owners are pocketing the money that are supposed to be getting paid to me (also the reason why my old boss quit is because the owner said he put a tracking device on her car) I feel like the directors saying all of these negative things because she wants me to quit so they can hire somebody at a lower pay rate who doesn't know the rules of the program and won't ask questions. I've worked with this company for almost 2 years and I love the kids that I teach but is it wrong of me to not give a notice and on Monday just let them know that it's my last day and I won't be returning?

It's because I feel very betrayed I put a lot of hard work into classroom and my children portfolios which contain observations and other things. I know I'm not putting my all in my class since I am so hurt.

My husband at this point say f*ck them and if I want to just quit I should. He said we will be ok financially for now until I get a new job. I know then I will get more with my LO.

At the same time I feel almost bad for not giving notice and also scared that I might get retaliation against me.

Kind of just a vent but also will take any advice.