Craving raw oysters - help!

I have been craving raw oysters for weeks now!!! 😫 I’m currently 33 weeks... how bad would it REALLY be if I ate just a few raw oysters? I tried fried oysters a few months ago and they just didn’t hit the spot.

Is there anything that I could eat instead that would fulfill whatever nutrients I could be lacking? I’m like, crying level craving raw oysters at this point but I don’t want to harm my baby 😭

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Posted at
I know people say the risk is low but I did get food poisoning from raw oysters at a very reputable restaurant once several years ago. Totally not worth the risk at all as some food poisonings can cross the placenta and cause a stillbirth. I say this as someone who has crazy intense raw oysters cravings so completely understand where you’re coming from.Oysters are very high in iron. Are you anemic at all or borderline? I eat mussels once a week and my raw oyster craving has gotten less intense since I started that. They’re high in similar nutrients that you could be lacking but healthier and I prefer the texture over fried oysters. I already told SO he better plan to bring me champagne and raw oysters to the hospital the day I give birth 🤣🤣🤣


🌹 • May 3, 2021
Yep, one of the most highly rated restaurants in my area and I was in the hospital on antibiotics, antiemetics, and anti diarrheals while getting fluids. I passed out, had a fever of 105, could barely tell you my own name. Thankfully I was 25 and very healthy, not pregnant, or who knows what it would have done. It took me years to want raw oysters again after that.


Megan • May 3, 2021
Totally agree with this comment. I had a friend who almost died of bacterial meningitis after contracting it from eating raw oysters in a reputable restaurant.


Posted at
I’m feeling the same craving girl! My Nan bought a heap for Christmas and I couldn’t have any 😩 I personally would not eat them during pregnancy as they latch onto all the bacteria in the ocean, but it’s totally up to you! Im sure a few wouldn’t hurt if you really can’t hold out x


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No advice here just 🤮 at the thought haha! Not long to go for you 💕


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As long as they’re extremely fresh the risk is low.


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It’s a low risk really and they’re so nutritious! They have a lot of zinc. If you can buy them somewhere that opens that on the spot that would be best