No gastrointestinal sac seen!


Little background about me I had an ectopic pregnancy about 2 years ago! & lucky it was found early but not early enough I still ended up with my left tube being removed !

So moving forward I’m PREGNANT & EXCITED it was not easy ! Since my history the doctors wanted to do ultrasound @ 6 weeks to make sure that baby where it should be. Well today which “SHOULD” be 6 weeks we did not see the baby in tube nor in uterus!

The only thing that has me calm is that I don’t have 28 days cycles I’m usually between 30-35 days !

I took an clear blue ovulation test March 9 which confirmed I’m ovulating! So that’s around the time I should of conceived

Positive Pregnancy test : March 22

Today: ( may 3)

Please tell me I could be too early I’m literally having anxiety attacks !