This might have been a bit mean.


3 days out of the week my husband takes care of our daughter, I noticed that he NEVER brushes her hair.

This morning was a rare day when we are both home, day 3 of his turn, I asked him to brush her hair while she was eating and distracted.

This did not work, lots of snarls. I asked him if he wanted me to show him how to do it. Daughter hated it, I let her scream and carry on just so he could see that not brushing her hair hurts her in the long run.

It only took about 5 minutes and some detangling spray but he looked so guilty. I don't think he will be forgetting again anytime soon.

*I did not purposely hurt her to prove a point.

But now I am thinking maybe it was mean to him to try and make him feel bad for her.