Risk of Down Syndrome (Trisomy21) NIPT awaited...

Swati (Oct’21 👧🏻)

Update -12/05/2021. My NIPT came back LOW RISK for Trisomy 21. I am so so glad and happy. Thanku for all the prayers. ❤️

Hello friends. I am so glad to have this forum to seek your help and listen to some positive news. But I am here to seek some help or guidance from you all. I am currently 14w1d. I had got my NT scan done at 12w2d and a Penta Marker also the same day to rule our any chromosomal abnormalities.

The results for both tests were :

Nuchal Translucency (NT): 1.83 mm

Fetal HR : 148bpm

Nasal Bone : 2.1mm

Ductus Venosus : Normal

Skull bone normal

Spine seen

Heart seen

All four limbs buds seen

Posterior Risk for Down Syndrome T21 was 1:22 (which is suggestive of high risk)

Posterior Risk for Edward’s and Patau’s syndrome T13/T18 was 1:100000 (which is suggestive of low risk)

Posterior Risk for Pre-eclampsia was 1:248 (which is suggestive of low risk)

My gyane says its a risk of Down Syndrome and has taken my blood sample on 03/05/2021 when I was 13w6d for NIPT Test . I am praying that the results come out negative. This is my first child after 4 years of marriage and 2years of infertility treatment. But God blessed us naturally and I love this baby to bits and I would not want him/her to have a life anything less than normal. Please pray and if you know anyone who got positive in screening or market tests but went on to have Negative NIPT please share with me. 😢🙏🏻