Preeclampsia ?

TMI WARNING: ik i should just call the doctor but i’m worried i’m over reacting, i’ll be 36wks in about 2 days and yesterday and today i haven’t felt well. i’ve had frequent loose stools and nausea like crazy. i should mention today i didn’t really eat well because it just goes straight through me or i feel sick. i took my blood pressure and it’s 121 over 74 which is high for me but normal for others, i’m usually around 100 over 60..

does this sound like preeclampsia ? or am i freaking out over nothing ?

EDIT: i should’ve added that i do have an appointment tomorrow at 0845 which is the main reason i’ve been debating calling. that and i don’t feel comfortable driving right now and my partner is out of state for work so i’d have no one to take me.