F*** you pcos!

I've had enough of PCOS! It's not even the fact that I have cysts on my ovaries anymore or that they sometimes hurt or that I have crazy hair growth or the fact that I could get diabetes or even that I have a higher chance of heart diesease or any other little thing anyone wants to throw in on top of all that, no it's the FACT that I've been ttc for nearly 2 years it is driving me NUTS!!!! I really feel for you ladies that have been trying even longer! I WANT A BABY & I WANT IT NOW. I'm so sick of waiting, I'm sick of the irregular periods messing with me making me think I may be pregnant, I'm sick of not being able to tell if I'm ovulating (if I do at all), I'm sick of all the money I spend on pregnancy tests and I'm sick of being upset over this and so is my husband! RANT OVER.