Progesterone Bloat


20w tomorrow. My progesterone was increased to try to calm my irritable uterus. The amount of bloat from it is as bad as first trimester! I’m kind of annoyed because my progesterone has never been tested this pregnancy and yet they keep increasing my dosage making me sicker and sicker. Would you push for it to be tested? I was told last time that my issues were NOT progesterone related and yet they’re treating me now like they were.

I’m absolutely miserable between the hg, the bloat, now constipated with the increase (I wasn’t before), and it’s definitely caused antenatal depression that’s gotten worse with the increase.

I told my mfm about some of the side effects I’m having and she told me they’re not related to the progesterone.

I’m just really over this all right now and have a long way to go.

5 days apart, this is NOT all baby. It’s painful bloat. I haven’t been able to eat more than 1-2 bites at a time for days now