Colic? Food allergy?

Heather • 👼 7/19 👼 5/20 🌈👶4/22

My 3 week old cries minutes after he finishes eating. He eats for at least half an hour and when he finally releases his latch I burp him and he either starts screaming while burping or a few minutes later. Sometimes we can calm him by bouncing or with a paci but most of the time he just wants my boob back in his mouth. Sometimes he will eat more but usually most of the time he’s latched he just holds my nipple in his mouth, we e tried gripe water and mylicon both work for a couple minutes (I think he just likes the taste) and then he’s screaming again. I don’t know what to do. I feel so useless.

Photo of us during a calm moment to keep this post somewhat happy