Can my neighbors call cps because of fighting

Obviously anyone can call cps but I’m wondering - tonight me and my husband got in a bad argument and we’re yelling (I know it was not okay) they called the cops. We had 3 police at our door asking if he was saying very messed up things about harming me . I said no of course not we were definitely yelling but it was not abusive. They said okay the neighbor said different. Then they left .

I am now so confused on why they said that and am worried they will call cps ? We have a 1 year old. My house is not always clean I’m 7 months pregnant and tired all the time. Could I really get my baby taken over this? I have severe PPA so maybe I’m just being paranoid

Also- just want to say we have never had the cops called on us before and btw it’s an apartment not a house so that’s how they heard us yelling. I am going on days with barely sleeping because she is teething so bad so I am just hormonal and tired and it led to a stupid fight