Anyone heading towards a certain gender?

First baby was a girl and my pregnancy was horrendous!!! Constant sickness..

Second baby, I'm 7 weeks and barely have symptoms. I am sick once a day so I'm thinking maybe I'm having a boy this time. Just a rough guess as this pregnancy so far is different.

Anyone else who doesn't know but has a feeling etc?

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My pregnancies have been total opposites and they’re both boys


Posted at
Im ok with both of my girls.. but 3rd one omg all kinds of sickness i even have this heartburn i thought my lungs will explode hahaha...but soo far im ok now.. its a boy btw.


Ja • May 8, 2021
But definitely i dont like sweets love spicy salty corn nuts..


Posted at
My first and second pregnancy were complete opposites. I didn't know i was pregnant with my first until I was well into my second trimester didn't even have time to think about a gender🤣🤣 I had my same light flow and it happened at the same time every month. No symptoms at all with my second if I wasn't snacking every hour I would get sick I couldn't eat big meals or I would get sick craves any thing spicy and sour. Both of them were girls. I had a feeling my second was a girl though.


Posted at
My first and second pregnancy were night and day. First pregnancy I had hg, preeclampsia, as well as tons of other complications. Second pregnancy, wouldn’t have even known I was pregnant if not for the growing bump. Both girls. Symptoms have nothing to do with fetal gender and if they correlate at all, it’s a coincidence being a 50/50 chance.Definitely enjoy not being sick though!! I only got that with 1/4 of my pregnancies 🤣


Posted at
My first i knew it would be a girl n i was right. I had nausea and occasionally puked like five times and j gained a tonnnnnn of weight. This time i thibk its a boy. Slow weight gain no puking no nausea and just a feeling. Ill find out at end of month