Period like cramps at 24 weeks...

I’ve been experiencing Braxton hicks since around 16 weeks. The past 2 nights they’ve been frequent.. today/night I have experienced period like cramps which come and go... is this just part of pregnancy?

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Posted at
NO! I’ve experienced a birth at 20 weeks. I also work in high risk maternity. This is NOT normal. Period like cramps require immediate attention and monitoring.


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No I would get checked out as soon as you can. You may be in preterm labour


Posted at
If they follow a pattern and begin intensifying they may be true contractions. If there is no pattern and they go away those would also be BH contractions. My OB said any pain in your abdomen, back or vaginal area that comes and goes may be contractions. We all feel them in different places.


Posted at
Yes as long as you are not getting them more then 5 times per hour you are fine.


Ye • May 9, 2021
I'm a doctor and a mother I had period like cramps my whole pregnancy and like I said as long as she is not getting them 5 times or more per hour she is fine but if she is having them 5 or more times per hour definitely see a doctor


Jasmine • May 8, 2021
This isn’t true and is dangerous. My “period like cramps” were only more than five times per hour the hour before my baby was born at 20 weeks.