Exclusive pumpers, please help!?


My baby is 13 weeks old. I EP. Due to a tongue tie he couldn't latch deep enough.

Up until now I would pump, store, feed, repeat. But then I came across an article that says to feed baby milk that, that time of day that it was pumped.. And also that it could be ultimately causing sleep problems. For instance if you pump a bottle of milk at 10 a.m. and then give baby that bottle of milk at bedtime it could cause baby to have Disturbed Sleep. Reason being your cortisol levels are highest in the morning. So if you give baby a bottle of milk at bedtime, that came from your morning pumping session, then they could become more alert and have disrupted sleep or harder to settle. Same goes for pumping at night time. If you pump a bottle of milk at say 9 at night And give that to baby first thing in the morning it might cause them to be more drowsy because it's going to have more melatonin in it unlike milk from earlier in the day. Your milk changes throughout the day. So I guess this make sense?

I feel it's a full-time job just to exclusively pump in itself. But making sure I match up the time comparably, Seems like a daunting task for some reason. Or another added stressor. So I wanted to ask other moms if that is how they do it or if they just pump store and feed or do they pump and feed baby the bottle for the corresponding time of day? Do you think it matters a lot?