At a complete loss.

2 years, 2 years I’ve been at this and never once have I seen a positive pregnancy test, not even a chemical pregnancy. September was my first retrieval, which resulted in a whopping zero embryos. Second retrieval resulted in 2 embryos, both transferred separately, both failures. I have a translocation so I knew that played a part in my inability to get pregnant naturally-you’d think that the genetic testing would have resulted in one of those working.

After waiting almost 2 days to get my results of my latest failure my dr suggested more bloodwork and an ERA.

Is it worth another year of feeling like shit, being tied to a schedule for injections and another major financial hit for a what if? I mean, I desperately want children but I don’t know if I can keep doing this-it’s crushing me every time something else goes wrong.

Anyone have all of the following and manage to get pregnant?

-balanced translocation

-hashimotos (hypothyroid)


-vitamin d deficiency