When did you get your period after early miscarriage (ivf) ?

Curious about others experience. I know everyone is different. I started miscarrying May 1st at 6weeks . 3 days later hcg was 9,600. I miscarried naturally and bled for over a week and then spotted for a few days. 1 week later it was 136. I go back Monday for another check and I would like to think it will be negative. I’be started cramping today like I do when my cycle is going to start. Is this possible? We are able to start another transfer cycle when period starts and HCG is back to 0 and baseline looks ok. We transferred 1 untested embryo and debating to transfer 2 next time or try 1 again. Our first transfer was a success with 1 untested embryo, we are trying for our second. Any similar experiences?