Sleep regression?


My LO is now 4 and a half months old, sha had started going longee between naps, 2.5 hours rather than 2 hours but ever since her injections last Friday she barely makes it 2 hours. At first I put it down to feeling crap after her jabs but now I'm not sure as it has been nearly a week. Could it be the sleep regression? She wakes around 7am, naps every 2 hours for 30 mins each time (so roughly 4 x 30 minute naps per day) and goes to bed at 6.30pm. I'm not complaining I'm just confused as to why she had started to go longer and now all of a sudden she is super tired all the time? She has recently learned to roll over and I've noticed huge developments in her coordination and interest in things around her so could it just be that she is wearing herself out more?