Everyone saying my brother is a "ladies" man

Idk why this bugs me so much. My younger brother is about to be 17 and everyone always talks about how he's a "ladies man." It bugs me and idek why. Yes. A lot of girls at his school like him. My dad was a male model in his earlier years and my brother looks a lot like him, so yes my brother is what most girls would consider good looking. He plays the guitar and when I picked him up from school he was looking like such a douchebag playing a guitar surrounded by a group of girls. Ugh. Yes he has it all. Good looks, can play the guitar, can sing. But he's missing one huge factor in what makes you a ladies man. Actually having ladies. My brother has never had a girlfriend. Ever! I've never even heard him talk about sex. He doesn't hang out with girls. The most he does is play his guitar for them. The only one he hangs out with is his best friend Thomas. They spend so much time together and alone all the time. They usually want to spend every breathing minutes with each other. I swear you would think they were dating. I just don't understand how he's a ladies man. I get this is stupid to be bothered over but still!