Husband hangs out with friends for hours at a time

My husband hangs out with his friends for 6-8 hours 4 times a week. It’s been like this since we dated, been married, and now have a 5 week year old. I am so tired and don’t want a husband like this or a father who I have to make excuse to my children to why daddy isn’t home. I’m just so tired of hearing the excuses to why he is out or that his friends needed help.

Idk what to do, I’ve communicated cried and communicated some more.

Am I over reacting, do I even know what a husband/ father is like? Do I have a false definition of what a marriage looks like.

I am mentally done, my heart just cries and wants him to want a family to spend time with daily.

This year will be 10 years together, first baby.

Any advice