GBS Group B strep

Has anyone else tested positive for Group Beta Strep during pregnancy? This is my first pregnancy and I have tested positive for GBS. If you have tested positive then you know what it is so I won’t bother explaining what it is (unless someone asks).

Anyway, my midwife and doctors office immediate recommend antibiotics during labor (it is common practice for them to recommend it) but I have concerns about antibiotics during labor. The purpose is to destroy the strep so it doesn’t affect baby. The chances of baby getting sick from it is a 1% chance but if baby does get sick baby also has a chance of dying. Antibiotics would kill the strep however they would also wipe out all other beneficial bacteria in the birthing canal that is supposed to be introduced to baby and beneficial to the immune system and protect baby against other bacteria. The use of antibiotics can kill the strep and the beneficial bacteria and can leave behind super bugs or antibiotic resistant harmful bacteria like e-coli which can also get baby sick and poses its own risks with baby not being exposed to beneficial bacteria in birthing canal.

I am only 18 weeks but this is a difficult decision. To receive multiple doses of IV antibiotics during labor or not. I can remember the last time I had antibiotics...

What are your experiences. Have you had antibiotics during labor?

Have you had GBS and decided to receive or not receive antibiotics? How was it? How was and is the health of your baby/child then and now? And anything else you want to share. I have always had the vision of birthing my babies naturally, vaginally, sharing all the flora with baby to start their immune system and protect them, but then I get hit with “we recommend antibiotics during labor” and I want to cry because there are risks both ways.