How do I answer to this message?

So I’ve been talking to a guy for about two weeks now but I just got out of a relationship about 3 months ago. I don’t want to get into another relationship as of now until I heal. I’ve always thought he was cute and would see him at work but didn’t pay much attention to him until he started talking to me. He caught my attention. Although, I don’t want a relationship now I don’t want to loose my chance on getting to know him and possibly start dating when I’m ready. He has Thursday and Friday off and would like to see me. I told him that I drop my kids off at their dads on Friday between 6:30pm and 7:30. He want to hang out after I drop my kids off but I don’t want him to get the idea about planning on having sex with me since it’s kind of late and I’m not a confrontational person. What should I say so he won’t get that idea?

EDIT: I do plan on telling him that I’m not ready for a relationship. And I’ll leave it up to him to make a decision.