12 month blood test ?

Mamaleize • ~🤱🏾~ •Married to the love of my life 02/08 💗•

Hi mamas ! My son’s pediatrician told me that at 12 months he will be getting a finger prick to test for low iron and lead levels because he is a breastfed baby ? She said that breastfed babies usually have low iron than formula fed babies. I try to make sure my son gets a good amount of iron from meat and eggs etc he does not like eating the baby oatmeal which has the most iron ! So i am kind of nervous about the finger prick results coming back saying he has low iron .. 🥺 she also said if it does coming back low He’ll have to get lab blood work done 😵‍💫.

Did anyone’s else Pediatrician mention anything about a finger prick or Blood test at your baby 12 month app?