Anyone else?

Anyone else's husband being uncaring about your pregnancy? I'm only 5+5 today but the nausea has got really bad today. Woke up feeling sick and everything makes me feel sick. I've just asked him to throw the stuff for Sunday dinner in the slow cooker for me and he said 'well are you going to help?' So I told him I've asked him because it's making me feel sick to go near food (and tbh I didn't think putting food in a slow cooker requires two people?!) so he's sighed at me and walked off to do it in a mood. On top of feeling sick it's a high risk pregnancy due to spotting and 8 previous miscarriages. He seems to get annoyed with me over everything lately, which then makes me upset and annoyed with him for not understanding and then we end up arguing :( we've got a little boy who's 4 and a half and I can't remember if he was the same with that pregnancy. He makes me feel pathetic.