Giving up


So I am giving up on being a mom. Have you had that feeling when you just know you’re not meant to have something? I’ve been in 3 years of letrazole, hormones, bloodwork, test after test. 1 failed <a href="">IUI</a>. 5 years of trying and then we FINALLY got pregnant! I was so happy then they made me do a glucose test at 8 weeks and we lost the baby. It was my 12 week checkup and the baby had no heartbeat and stopped growing at 9 weeks. The fertility dr I see said I’ll never get pregnant again because of my PCOS and being obese, I’m 225 and that’s after losing 60 pounds. I just no longer have the will to keep going. My body makes me sick, my mental health is gone, I just can’t do it anymore. We don’t have the money to adopt and I don’t think I could do through that heartbreak of not being chosen or having to give the baby back if the mon decided she wants the baby back. I’m just heartbroken.