1.5 year old still falls a lot when walking

Stephanie • Married 2 years, 4 baby losses. Jun 2017, chemical. Dec 2017, missed miscarriage. Jul 2018, ectopic, lost left tube. Nov 2018, missed miscarriage.

Are any of your 1.5 year olds still tripping or falling a lot when they walk? Mine is still so clumsy even tho he started walking a little before he turned one. I’ll bring it up to me pediatrician, but I’m not sure if I should be concerned.

He’s always tripping and today we took him out to walk around and he legit fell every 2-3 minutes. Idk if maybe his shoes were too big since we just switched it or if it was the ground being uneven or if he’s just extra unstable…

Anyone else??