MOMS HELP!!! No mom shaming..


So I am at a loss, my son just turned 9 months old and has had reflux since being a baby and constantly projectile vomiting. He was put in Nexium and oatmeal added to his bottle since about a month old per his pediatrician & ever since then he’s had little to no issues and kept all his bottles down and everything. Well at 4 months he started purées per his dr and he LOVES them but at 6 months we were told to introduce “solids” and such, he refuses and now at 9 months they said he can eat anything within reason due to safety and choking ;he will eat puffs and occasionally avocados,, but honestly ANYTHING outside of his purée and puffs *with a few exceptions* he literally makes himself puke from gagging.. oatmeal is a NO, stage 3 food with texture is a no. Noodles are a NO, eggs are a no, basically he makes himself violently vomit from gagging on even the tiniest pieces of food, as soon as they touch his tongue or mouth. I’ve asked his dr and he said just keep trying and it’ll be okay but it kills me to watch him gag and vomit on foods and then he refuses to eat anymore because he’s upset from puking. I just need to know what advice anyone has as far as transitioning him… he eats 4-5 times a day outside of his bottles and we have been trying since 6 months to transition him, im at a loss. Please NO MOM SHAMING. I’m doing the absolute best i can and feel embarrassed to ask for advice as it is, also he has 4 teeth and will guide the spoon to his mouth and eat his puree that way.