OMFG I need advice. This ftm thing is BRUTAL


So this happened today... my question will be at the bottom of the photos 🤦🏽‍♀️😩😐 she will not nap. Probably the 18month sleep regression but naps have been a STRUGGLE. She’s never been a napper even as an infant though and I’ve tried EVERYTHING. So she was screaming bloody murder “MAMMMMMMAAAAAAAAA” for a lonnnng time, like 30-40min. Then it got quiet so I’m assuming she’s finally fallen asleep. Check the monitor and WTFFFFF. Her crib is empty. So I go in.... and guess where she is. (The following photos are HOW she did it in case anyone is curious) but FML.

OKAY SO MY QUESTION IS: if I transition to a toddler bed or bed on the floor because obviously she is a daredevil and I’m too mentally and physically exhausted to also end up taking her to the ER with broken anything... how the HECK do you get a NO NAPPER 100% FOMO, can’t keep still toddler to take a nap??

I wasn’t even planning on doing toddler bed because we have an extra queen size mattress that we don’t use so I was just going to put that on the floor. But still.... she MAYBE naps 10-30min.

I honestly don’t even know what to do. She’s 18months old!!! Whyyyyyy 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩

Im still in shock and sooooo bummed 🙈🤣🤦🏽‍♀️