Baby never seems hungry


My daughter is 11 weeks old today. She has never shown hunger signs. I make sure she nurses at least every 2-3 hours during the day and she does sleep a long stretch at night. She is a happy baby that has very active wake windows during the day. I continue to have milk flow even after she finishes.

Does anyone else have this experience with their babies?

She is not gaining a whole lot of weight (she actually lost a few ounces in a week) and I am constantly worried and not confident with nursing. She does not take a bottle yet. I don’t want to be harming her. I visited lactation again this week and she gave me some more tips and helped her latch. I was nursing from one side (since she never empties me) but she advised to try both since I will be fuller an have a faster flow.

Anyone else have babies that seem satisfied with eating just enough? Will she eventually want more and gain weight?