During the time our son was hospitalized I find out I’m pregnant with another son


My husband and I had already had a son that was a little over a year old at the time. We were going through some difficult times because our son was experiencing AHDS that we were not aware of what was causing the issues he was having. He had started regressing of not keeping his anything down, he was running off to the bathroom at first and then he started dehydrating when ended up taking him to the hospital he was hospitalized they stabilized him and had to give him tubal feedings to get his weight back up which was 16 pds. They had to do a study on what was causing it.

After he was able to be discharged it happened again later he was hospitalized again and from the studies that they did he was diagnosed with Allan Herndon Dudley Syndrome and he had to have surgery to get a Mickey button put into his stomach for his liquid feedings milk, water, or anything else that he needed went through it with a tube. I had wanted another baby hoping for a girl. Six months had passed trying to conceive we even talked to the doctor and he said give it a little more time and gave us more options if it doesn’t happen.

During the time our son was hospitalized I find out I’m pregnant with another son through a early blood test to check for chromosome abnormalities that also tells the gender of the baby. He was born in January so our older son was two when he was born. I breast fed longer up until he became two. I tried for which was supposed to be our last baby in which unfortunately ended in miscarriage which almost took me out of here in December and now I’m pregnant again with a girl with my fourth pregnancy and I’m 14 weeks as we speak about to be 15 Sunday.