Breastfeeding and not gaining enough weight


My son is 1 month old and breastfeeding. Pediatrician says he's not gaining weight fast enough. 2 weeks ago he was 8 lbs 6 oz and today he was 9 lbs 2 oz. She said they typically want to see them gain 1 oz a day. I have no supply issues, in fact i produce a good amount about 2-3 oz when i pump. He has a great latch and nurses 12 times or more a day. I hear him gulping so I know he is getting something. My daughter was also breastfed and always in 80 to 90 percentile, well little man has dropped to 25th percentile! The only difference between then and now is that I don't feel like I have a thick layer of fat on the top of my pump milk.

So now the dr wants us to come back in 2 weeks for a weight check before supplementing with formula. She suggested that I continue nursing him as usual and then topping him off with an oz or 2 after each feeding. 9ne of my concerns is blowing through my freezer stash before returning to work. I need some reassurance and suggestions on how to help my son gain weight and keep some extra milk so we can continue our breastfeeding journey when I return to work.