Preeclampsia experiences!


I am 30+6. I went into L&D two days ago for preterm consistent contraction that were 5 mins apart for a few hrs. (I have a history of preterm birth due to cervical shortening and spontaneous labor, 2nd born at 32 weeks)

When they took my BP, it was 155/100. The same 15 mins later. Over the 5 hrs they monitored me, my Bp slowly went down to just elevated. Once my contractions were controlled, they sent me home with a 24 hr urine test.

I just went to L&D to turn it in, Bp was 132/90.

My 24 hr urine results… 370mg of protein! So now I’m diagnosed with preeclampsia. They said they will induce me at 37 weeks if I make it that far with my history. For now, weekly NST.

What was everyone’s experience?? All details please! This is all new to me as I have never had blood pressure issues