Pre-e in early pregnancy

🤷🏻‍♀️ • 👦🏻👦🏻👼🏻👧🏻👼🏻🤰🏻

From what I’ve read pre-e is usually diagnosed after 20 weeks. I’m currently 11 weeks and over the last 8 days have had 3 blood pressure readings that have progressively gone up. (135, 142, 145… bottom number always in the 70s). I’m high risk due to kell isoimmunization and am undergoing weekly IVIG treatments for that, but now I’m worried we’re going to be addicted another risk to the mix. Does anyone have experience with high blood pressure early in pregnancy like this?

This is my 4th pregnancy and haven’t had blood pressure issues with the others except for during delivery of 1st and after PUBS procedures I with the 3rd, both were short lived issues and not requiring any treatment.