Possible implantation and then vaginal dryness


I believe I had implantation bleeding because it was 14 days DPO and my cycle technically wasn’t supposed to start until today July 6. I’ve had some basic what I believe to be implantation bleeding starting Saturday and all day Sunday and very little bit yesterday. My concern is has anyone ever had the implantation bleeding or most likely the possibility of and then literally that very evening that it ended complete vaginal dryness? I ask because my husband and I were going to make love and even so I was able to have an orgasm there still was no liquid nothing not even not even the cum. But I did orgasm. So another issue that I’ve also dealt with since Friday is complete emptying of the bowels. I understand some women get constipated I literally have been in the bathroom every day almost all day except for Saturday it’s all intermittent of course. Everything I eat I go to the bathroom I’ve never had that problem before it was always regular every day in the morning and then maybe one at night,that’s it twice a day but it’s been over 20 years since I’ve been pregnant. And the reason why I think it’s for sure implantation bleeding is because every month without fail I always get what they call a menstrual migraines and thankfully this month I have not gotten it. I also have had one very close positive urine test last week but then all the other test after that were negative . however I’ve never had a positive pregnancy test via urine even with my first two sons it always had to be blood. should I continue to wait at least one more week and see if any other symptoms develop or should I just go ahead and call my doctor and see if we can’t get some kind of bloodwork started any suggestions are very helpful thank you so much.