Haile Selassie I speaks in his palace garden


"It is good that you are here to record this picture of me in my palace garden at Addis Ababa. People who see this throughout the world will realize that even in the 20th century, with faith, courage, and a just cause, David will still beat Goliath."

His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I

Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah

Elect of God

King of Kings of Ethiopia

20th century, 21st century, 22nd century, it will always be true. Good over evil. Life over death.

The odds against Haile Selassie I and Ethiopia looked impossible. With only 2 airplanes against Italy's hundreds, fascist Italy looked like it would be successful in that invasion. But His Majesty did not capitulate to failure, never did he tire in his efforts to gain support and continue fighting to reclaim his country. And it took time, it took 5 years, but The Conquering Lion of Judah and Ethiopia won the war. No matter what we are facing in life, we can pursue our goals with the same tenacity, and we can be victorious.

Rastafari 💚💛❤️