Random bleeding one night...4 days after my period already ended? Help?


I have been with my fiancé for a year and a half bow and we have always had a lot of sex. Sex before my period, sex during my period. Sex after my period. Just always. My period has always stayed constant and is every 28 days and lasts for 3-4 days. Well my period ended 2 weeks ago but 4 days after my period ended I woke up that morning and my pants were bloody but I didn’t realize till I went to the bathroom and then I thought I was just peeing but looked in the toilet and it was just blood as if I was on my period. But it ended 4 days prior to this morning. I have never had this happen. And after going pee the first time and seeing blood I went to the bathroom again later that day and was spotted a little bit of blood but not nearly as much as my first morning pee.

After my second time going pee. There was any trace of blood anymore. I have never had this happen and I’ve been so confused. My fiancé thinks I might have miscarried super early. Even though I didn’t even think I was pregnant since I just finished my period. So I took 2 pregnancy tests.

1 said not pregnant but the other test had a very very very faint double line meaning I could be pregnant. Cause then I heard random bleeding like that could also mean implantation bleeding?? Can anyone help me figure this out or have similar stories??? 🤔❤️