Time? Limitations...


I'm wanting to get back into exercising just not sure when to find the time. Curious on how other parents do it?

I'm a stay at home mom and I don't have any help my loving husband is the provider and doesn't do late nights mornings or bedtimes (or bedtimes alone I should say.)

I also have a neurological condition and have bad flare ups. So after pushing myself with the kids all day I can't over exert myself because I'll be in so much pain I'll be unable to take care of the kids. This is a viscous cycle. I have a recumbent bike that I love but the toddler throws fits if I'm working out and not engaging with him and my infant is 3 months and I can't physically hold him and do it. I can't push them long distance in a stroller as I've had 3 spinal surgeries.

I'm really needed this time for me mentally and physically. I just don't know how other mom's find the time and also who have limitations handle it all.

If you are going to comment make it a priority...please keep it to yourself...that isn't actually helpful advice