Need some help/advice…


I recently got married and I never had sex before marriage. That was my choice and my decision, and my husband started having sex in college up until he met me. That’s perfectly fine and his decision and that doesn’t matter to me. So now, I feel like the really inexperienced one in the relationship. He’s told me about his sex-perience when we were dating only because I asked and nothing we have done is what he used to do. Half the problem I feel is because of how new I am to it, and the other real reason is because it just doesn’t work. We only have sex with him on top. When we tried me on top, it’s like something wrong and hurts him when he tries to go in, or when he does go in and we start, he comes out multiple times and it’s just a lot of “ugh I’m out, ugh it happened again, ughhhhh” and then I’m just so embarrassed and we just go back to him on top. I know he loved doggie style, but we tried it once and either he couldn’t reach, or same situation where he came out over and over. When I try and ask him if he wants to do something else, he says no because this way works….It’s just so upsetting, and I feel like because we don’t have the different variety in our sex life, he’s just not wanting it more. And that’s also upsetting because I’m new to the sex game and I like it and want it a lot more and yes I’m a chubby girl and he’s skinny and muscly that I just feel like my body is also a reason why he doesn’t like to have sex because I’m not the skinny sex partners he’s had. Im just upset/annoyed and don’t know where to go or ask about it and see if others have the same situation and how to overcome it and make it better……🤷🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ I’m just lost and need you supporting ladies help abs I know you won’t judge me. Thank you in advance.