Baby kicks question!

Lynzee • Mommy to Ammarie, born on March 3,2016!
I know that babies kinda have a routine in the womb. My little one used to start kicking as soon as I got settled at my desk at work in the morning, around 10 am, then would fall asleep until about 8 o'clock at night, and she'd be very active then., and would begin kicking again once my husband got home from work around 3 in the morning. 
It was like clock work. She's still moving and kicking, but for about the past week it's taken a different pattern. Now, she kicks around noon, around 9:30-10 pm, and when I'm first waking up. 
Is it normal for their schedules to just kinda change like that? Excuse my ignornace, FTM here lol. I know it's important to try to stay aware of these things, which is why I'm asking.