Is it my responsibility?

So my daughter’s father and I split up about a year ago when she was eight months old. He constantly cheated, was verbally abusive, and has never been an active dad. He hasn’t seen our daughter in nearly a year and doesn’t call whatsoever. His mom, on the other hand, stayed involved for a while. She would call and text and apologize for her son’s behavior and said that she wanted to remain in my daughter’s life. We live very far from each other (like a 4 hour plane ride) so visiting is difficult. Over the months, her contact has dwindled. She’s offered to pay for us to come visit and stay with her, but I’m honestly just not comfortable with that. I’ve told her if she ever wants to come here she’s more than welcome to visit and she always says she’s going to soon, like within the next few weeks, and then she just ghosts and I don’t hear from her. I’ve been the one sending her pictures of my daughter at least once a week just to try and keep her involved and she always talks about how glad she is that I update her and I always tell her she’s more than welcome to FaceTime whenever she wants. She never does. So eventually I got to the point where I decided that I was done initiating all of the contact. I feel like I’ve done my part. I send pictures, I text for big milestones, but at the end of the day, I’m tired of being the only one trying to keep her involved. She claims she misses my daughter (who she hasn’t seen in over a year, hasn’t texted to ask about her in months, hasn’t even attempted to FaceTime, nothing).

So it had been about a month since I sent any pictures or updates, and this morning I woke up to a text saying “Should I be worried that I haven’t heard from you?” And I said back “Sorry to worry you! Everyone is good here. I’ve just been busy with work and raising *my daughter*. Life is hectic. Let me know if you ever want to FaceTime and you can text to check on her whenever!” And she read it but never responded. Am I in the wrong??