Should i beat her A$$? Part 2!


Ok so the whole thing was too long to post so I split it up! I’m glad you liked it enough to follow up! 🤣

So after all that I actually felt bad in my opinion she made a convincing argument I know how it was always one sided with her and my dad for the longest so it sounded believable and who in there right mind would

Go this hard if they were lying right?

So let’s fast foward to this year.. so the grace of god I welcomed a beautiful baby girl earlier this year only to find from a mutual friend we were pregnant at the same time she gave birth last month to baby boy (Nobody knows who the father is she probably doesn’t either) and wait there’s more.. she also moved back to town and everyone I know has been running into her including my closest friend and sister ( not the same sister one of the other thousand) she said how she walked up to them and asked if it was ok to see MY nephew

I also Found out she followed my ex on Instagram and started liking his pics I actually only care about that because she was bragging about it to on of my friends a long time ago when me and him were on and off so it rubbed me the wrong way knowing she was attempting to be messy again..

Til one day… I ran into her myself like 2 months ago no cap I was right behind her and some girls at the neighborhood grocery store I thought I was seeing things until I saw her pregnant belly and either she really didn’t see me like I originally thought or she pretended not too..

Then last week BOOM! Another grocery store my bf and I were getting in the car buying wine for a house warming we were about to go to and he saw her sitting in the same car she got in with her friends she was in the backseat ( broad can’t drive) with the baby like 3 spaces away and he’s all you should speak.. not only do I not hold grudges but I’m superstitious so at this point I felt like the universe wanted us to speak so I got in the car and pulled up a spot away from her ( there was like a tree in between the spots) I rolled the window and waved and y’all… she dead ass looked at me and looked away

So I’m thinking .. maybe she didn’t see me? So I waved again

She did the same thing .. so now I’m thinking wooooowww she definitely hates me I can’t believe I let

Him talk me into this … however I looked good cause not only has my baby been born for months now but I was all dressed up and she looked sweaty and baby mamafied 🥴😤 so it wasn’t a complete L …. It’s hard for me to shake things I felt like our interaction was off she looked almost more guilty than angry so my brain got to spinning as it usually do before I start putting my 2s together

And I called my dad and basically was like .. “ just be real with me did you go visit her??” And he was like “ no…… yea I did” it was true it was all true!!!! He did make a face and say he never gave her money but they definitely did the deed!!! Under my nose behind my back 😤

So basically this not shit wide open loose body heifer lieddddd!!! And then played victim!!!!

And she made me believe I was not shit only to find out she was wrong this whole time so now she’s going out her way making connections with people In MY life

But acting like I did something to her … moral

Of the story keep your hoe friends for your night life or they might fuck your dad… and I’m not gonna lie I’m really looking at those pictures of her son to make

Sure this is as deep as the story goes 🥴 he doesn’t look like kin tho she lucky I’m a taken women cause I followed that guy with the 4 kids she use to love so much .. he followed back … the end 😭

( I’m not really gonna beat her ass unless she happens to come for me the title is just a attention grabber I feel bad for her she’s lost! 💯)