Born July 17th at 38+4 weeks!


Friday, I was really emotional all day and I thought I may have been leaking water. I wasn’t sure because I’ve been leaking pee, but usually right after I use the bathroom, not randomly. Still no clue if it was my water or not, but it stopped in the evening.

I was in a huge nesting mood so I did laundry and cleaned our bedroom before putting the bassinet in there. I laid down sometime after midnight. Around 12:45 am, contractions started. I timed them and they were 5 minutes apart and lasting for 1 minute. They weren’t terrible though so I fell asleep for about 30 minutes before they woke me up. I called the on call around 2:45 am and she said to come in. After getting everything together, taking our son to his grandparents house, my contractions were 2.5 minutes apart.

We got to the hospital at 4:45 am and they took me to triage and told me to put a gown on. I took my shirt off, and I was about to take my pants off when I had a contraction and my water broke all down my legs and all over the floor. The nurse checked me and says “were you planning on getting an epidural?” I told her I was hoping to! She said I was fully dilated and called nurses and the doctor and for them to get me a room.

They moved me to a L&D room and everyone was rushing around getting everything ready. My doctor checks me, and she’s standing next to me. I looked at her and said “I’m not getting an epidural am I?” She just shook her head no and checked me again. She asked if I was ready to start pushing.

Austin Nicholas was born at 5:30 am at 7 lbs 14.6 oz and 21 inches. Definitely didn’t plan to go all natural but this labor progressed way faster than my first which took 22 hours. I have a 2nd degree tear but feeling good other than that. Baby boy is healthy and we’re both doing well.