First time


Yesterday was the first time experiencing what it felt like to know my daughter was being laughed at. It totally broke my heart. It's my daughter's first week of potty training. She just turned 3 and it's been going very well. She was with my mom yesterday and today because I worked and when I dropped her off this morning my mom told me that yesterday they went to the park and she pooped in her pull up. Apparently it leaked through onto her shorts and they were some older kids there from a summer program that noticed and started laughing at her. As my mom was telling me what happened I felt so bad that that happened to her. I started to tear up a little. I know things like this will happen in her life and kids won't always be nice to her but knowing my sweet daughter was being laughed at broke my heart. My mom did say she didn't think my daughter knew anything and they left immediately. Nothing worse than feeling helpless when all you want to do is protect her from things that could hurt her