Is pregnancy brain a THING???


On Monday I was told I was pregnant! This will be my 1st pregnancy.. 😬😍I have felt sick for a few weeks now, sore breasts, aches and pains, run out of breath fast, heartburn, frequent urination.. exc.. also I can’t remember what I did the day before and I’m getting days mixed up. anyway I have my first ultrasound next Tuesday and I can’t wait!! I am so excited but so anxious and scared! I have A HORRIBLE fear that this is just too good to be true. What if the tests were wrong and I’m really not pregnant . But then I try to think positive &get excited and then back to worrying!!! I just can’t wait to get the first scan so I can see the little bean and show me it’s really not just a dream 💭😍😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏