Ovulation help 😩

So i bought a cheap store brand (meijer) basal thermometer to start tracking temps this cycle and I don’t think it’s very accurate as my temps are all over the place and i cant tell if ovulation happened because i had a dip and rise but they haven’t surpassed the previous day temps. I was looking at other places and it seems all store brand basal thermometers have terrible ratings because of the same issue. Is there any other way to confirm ovulation for this cycle or do i just hope for the best i get my bfp next week. I only baby danced every other day and last day was ovulation day which was Saturday. I got my surge Friday. So I’m technically 4dpo but im scared if i ovulated way later then that with these temps because then i feel as if i’m out as my hubby is away for work until friday so no baby dance happened at all this week.