Confused long but please read and comment


So today marks 12dpo and my period starts on the 23rd. The last week I’ve been crabby mood swings tired cramps back pain headaches cramps just my nipples were hurting and blah blah. Today it seems like every thing has stopped. Well beside being still tired and now my whole boob is hurting and I’m like wtf. I’m still texting negative I believe. But seriously.

I was told I have pcos in January so I started metformin. My first period was March 20. Always 5 days long Ik that forsure. Second period was may 22 I believe. And than I had one June 22. Okay so it seems to go from 60days to 31 days. So I would assume that my period would come sooner the next month than 31 day or it would come again in the same amount of time. July 23. In two day. Well I don’t feel like the period will be here in two days.. but I also don’t think I’m going to end up pregnant. I had sex once during supossed ovulation which was july9th. So idk what to think and do but just sit and wait. I don’t understand why my period would progress in a good way once a month and than be like nahh I’m going to skip a month or maybe 45 days than come.

I took the 88cent ones at Walmart and they are a little faint a few hours later. Mostly evap lines. But I took a clear blue this morning. Yes I know they suck but it was the only ones they had. I took it and a second line didn’t show up right away so I threw it on my bed and left the house. Came back 5 hours later and there was a line. So idk it’s mostly a lie but it seems like that’s the closest I’ll ever get to looking at my own pregnancy test being positive. 🤷🏼‍♀️😞