Are you kidding me?

Anyone else have a spouse who give like 50% with their kid when it comes to certain things? I was out working in the yard all day with my inlaws. I had my daughter with us in her stroller. My husband finished his work day at home and I asked if he could put our daughter down because she was rubbing her eyes. He said “um okay you want me to?” And I said yes of you could. I was dirty and sweaty and hauling wood from things that were cut down. So he takes her and I did realize how much time had gone by. He calls to me from the house to come inside he needs me. So I come in worried that something was wrong. He tells me she won’t stop screaming for the past hour. I take her and ask him what he tried. He tells me he’s fed her and she won’t stop and just go to sleep. I told him that sure it’s a wet diaper. When she does that it’s because she’s wet. He tells me that she isn’t and that she should be full enough to sleep.

Guys, her diaper was so wet you could barely see the blue line anymore. So I start changing her and he leaves us to go outside and be with his parents. Are you kidding me? Seriously? He’s just like well I’m out.

Then he comes back in 20 minutes later and is like “she’s not asleep yet” and I tell him “no, she’s overtired now and wired for me”. Now he’s upset with me because I’m annoyed that he can handle something as simple as putting our child to sleep. Screw him being mad. He’s acting like a child.