Induction date!!

Shannon • 7/31/21 Zamaria Camille 🌈💖👸🏾

I'm so excited to know that I was able to get an induction scheduled for next week on the 29th. She is due on the 23rd but she seems to be comfy in there. Seen doctor today and they couldn't even do a sweep because she's still pretty high up. Not dilated at all & they said my cervix is softening but not by that much. Haven't lost mucus plug and all I've had is period cramps nothing too painful and nothing consistent. Also doctor said that because of my BMI and with my BP seeming to creep up that thats enough of a reason to induce. I'm praying she comes on her own but most of all I'm praying she's healthy whether she comes naturally, induced, or c section ill just be happy to be able to hold my babygirl, my rainbow baby 🌈👸🏾💖