Bleeding and brown discharge?


I’m 6.5 weeks pregnant. Was told I have high risk pregnancy due to placement. Baby had a heart beat last week. After transvaginal scan I bled red blood so much. It was like a crime scene. So bad. The bleeding lasted 12 hours. No tissue was passed. Hospital have told me to monitor it since. But my anxiety is so bad (7th pregnancy and no children).

Since then which is a week and 1 day. It’s just been brown discharge. No tissue passed or anything and they said it could be down to cervical erosion. But it seems a bit much for that?

I take cyclogest morning and night and started taking that rectally so it doesn’t irritate so much. Each morning it’s worse than the rest of the day and this morning was the worst it’s been. Has any one else experienced this?

This was this morning..

Had nothing since not even discoloured discharge. But it usually looks like below in the mornings. It does not look like this all day I can go hours with just a light brown spot on my pad. Its so weird

Please help