Jelly like CM


Has anybody had this type of CM before if so what was your outcome.

I’m not saying this could be a pregnancy sign just asking a general question as personally myself I’ve not had this kind of discharge before.

So I’m 9DPO been getting mild cramping the past couple of days and a pinching sensation BUT I can also take it as being in my head or me over thinking it too much like I do every month which this month I’m trying to remain calm and focused not obsessing every 5 seconds but I’m also now having unusual discharge it’s white but really thick and got slight stretch to it… it’s a lot like snot but white, now I’m not taking it as a sign as I do get stretchy discharge before my period is due but thats much more stretchier then what it is now but I am telling myself it could just be the start of the discharge I’m use to getting 🤷🏼‍♀️

My period is due in 4/5 days. Took a test this morning and BFN